Ken Parker: “She's playing a Western Red Cedar Fly guitar. I personally built this unique guitar for Joan in 1996, trying to help with a light, small instrument that was easy for her to hold and play, and also to provide a reliable vehicle for a Roland GK2 synth pickup, driving the brand new VG-8, a signal processor potent enough to change the pitch of the string electronically, and thus end her struggles with the 50+ tunings she plays in. She used this guitar exclusively from 1996 - 2002, when she stopped playing guitar in public. What a thrill to hear her play her magic wand after all her trials and triumphs! My Hero.”

From the New York Times. Click for a link to the story (note, subscription MAY be required to read.)

Below are two videos of this performance, one shot by Dale Martin from the audience, one provided by the Newport Folk Festival.